Mars retrograde is once again upon us! For those of You who don’t know what retrograde means, I have explained it in various articles and videos before. Go check out my free YouTube channel here.
The last Mars retrograde blog post explains the meaning of retrograde as well as from the perspective of Mars well here.
This time, the fiery and red planet of Mars is going retrograde in the sign of Gemini. The retrograde period itself is from the 30th of October 2022-12th of January 2023. With the shadow period it can last a total of 5 months!
Put on Your warrior pants and let’s dig deeper!
Table of Contents
Mars retrograde in Gemini

Each retrograde has it’s own “flavour”. So does this one. It has the flavour of Air and Mutability. Or in other words = Gemini.
Mars retrograde 2022 will bring an increase in fighting and conflict with or through words. As well as aggression in the online world. And we will see an escalation of conflict in the w situation.
What will Mars retrograde in Gemini bring us in our personal lives?

- Fighting with words and the written word.
- Lots of fighting on social media and online. Through messaging apps, and apps in general.
- Car accidents and reckless driving. Taking more risks on the road.
- More action and arguments/fights with neighbours, small teams and work groups. More ambitious local community projects.
- Sharing information fast and quickly. Fighting over information.
- Local neighbourhood fires. Setting cars on fire. (Because of protests.)
- Accidents when walking, roller-blading, cycling, vehicles, skiing, and jogging.
- More inflammation in the lungs, problems with the lungs in general. Also with fingers and shoulders, can also be accidents and cuts. Burning of hands, fingers, and shoulders.
- Aggressive thoughts and thinking.
- Ambitious and aggressive marketing, as well as sales techniques.
- Taking action to improve things in business and skills.
- Selling ourselves more courageously and taking action towards it.
- Stress with everyday activities.
- Fighting with Yourself in Your mind.
- Arguments, competing, fights with relatives and siblings or people from the local environment. Cutting them off from Your life.
What will Mars retrograde in Gemini bring us globally?
- Escalation of conflict in the war = especially when building up to the retrograde and later coming out of it.
- Increased number of car accidents.
- It will show us the real cost of violence and aggression.
- More fighting, violence, and aggression will be brought to light. It’s a reality check in regard to these matters. Can’t hide from it.
- Sexual curiosity = playing around with more than one partner. Or in more than one way…
- Lots of justifications that are distorted about “fighting for the right or some higher cause”.
- Gemini is what we think about, sexual, aggressive, violent, ambitious, fighting thoughts.
- Accidents and/or fires with bridges, on the streets, corridors, and staircases. Later on, repairing them.
Mars retrograde 2022 predictions for all the signs
Aries Ascendant, Sun, or Moon
Fighting, taking action, competing and fixing problems with vehicles, in small team environments, websites, and marketing campaigns. Using courageous words. Stress from writing or speaking engagements. Need to be careful driving, jogging, cycling, and roller-blading. Cuts to hands and fingers. Fixing problems actively in their local environment. Restless and ambitious thoughts, running mind (can be aggressive and sexual thoughts).
Taurus Ascendant, Sun, or Moon
Fighting, taking action, competing and fixing problems with material resources, money, investments, and material items (something can break and needs to be fixed, or even burn because it’s Mars). Stress about finances, and action to fix it. Taking too much risk when building up to the retrograde. And then having to work on fixing it during the retrograde period. Or just working on creating more resources that create stress.
Gemini Ascendant, Sun, or Moon
More physical activity during the retrograde and leading up to it. Can cause physical injuries. Need to be careful with overdoing it. Otherwise issues with muscles, hands, fingers, shoulders, and the entire body even. Cuts. Fighting, taking action, competing and fixing problems in many areas of Your life. Frustrated with Your life and want to take new action to make better things happen. Lots of effort is needed during this period.
Cancer Ascendant, Sun, or Moon
Fighting, taking action, competing and fixing problems behind the scenes, with foreigners, and even in Your subconscious. Harder to sleep but can have more sexual activities between the sheets. Violent and aggressive dreams, or dreams of achievement. Ambitious behind the scenes and taking action in stealth mode. Sleep and hot yoga are good to do.
Leo Ascendant, Sun, or Moon
Fighting, taking action, competing and fixing problems in regard to projects, long-term goals and dreams, with friends and social circles. Working towards gains and bonuses. Issues with friends and can have fights with words. Or even fighting with friends in messenger groups. Friends with benefits and sexual tension towards them. Taking risks and putting in the effort to achieve Your goals
Virgo Ascendant, Sun, or Moon
Fighting, taking action, competing and fixing problems with bosses, career, work, people at work, and work projects. Arguments at work and openly for all to see. Feeling more ambitious and taking courageous action to achieve more in the world. Or to climb the corporate ladder higher. This can cause stress during the retrograde because other people who are already “ahead of You” won’t like it and it creates competition.
Libra Ascendant, Sun, or Moon
Fighting, taking action, competing and fixing problems with foreigners, mentors, father figures, teachers, travel, documents, legal matters, courses, certificates, and what You believe in. Will want to take action to further Your education. This can bring stress and ambitious teachers into Your realm. You might also feel pressure to fix documents and legal situations that need Your personal action.
Scorpio Ascendant, Sun, or Moon
Fighting, taking action, competing and fixing problems in regard to taxes, insurance, inheritance, investments, stock and crypto markets, intimacy, sexuality, and money coming from others. You can find Yourself in a stressful situation about money coming in from Your partner or from clients. Arguments can arise from one side wanting more out of the situation. Or You are too ambitious with Your investments in the markets.
Sagittarius Ascendant, Sun, or Moon
Fighting, taking action, competing and fixing problems with partners, marriage partners, business partners, deals, and negotiations. Sexual energy can rise in different types of partnerships but be careful being overly ambitious and with a “me, me” type of attitude. Can cause arguments and fights through words. Some partnerships might need to be cut off when the period is over in 2023.
Capricorn Ascendant, Sun, or Moon
Fighting, taking action, competing and fixing problems in regard to diets, imbalances in Your life, at work and with people You work with, with subordinates, and health issues. Mars will help You courageously fix and improve the problems in Your life. Take the bull by the horns if there are any ongoing issues in Your life and fix them Yourself. Cutting off any addictive behaviours or people who take too much from You is now possible = through Your own action.
Aquarius Ascendant, Sun, or Moon
Fighting, taking action, competing and fixing problems with children, lovers, dating, personal business, creative projects, sex, and the way You express Yourself. You are going to have to put in efforts to take Your personal business to a new level. This type of ambitious endeavour needs Your own action and courage. Those of You in the dating scene are going to be picking up that phone and sending those sexy messages to Your lovers. No innuendos this time, more like “I want You now”.
Pisces Ascendant, Sun, or Moon
Fighting, taking action, competing and fixing problems with family, mother, family members, home, real estate, emotional happiness and safety. Many of You will take on home improvement projects that need a lot of Your own efforts, as well as cause some stress. Due to that, fighting with the rest of Your family members can also surface. Remember during the period that You are doing this to create more happiness and safety later. Cutting off some family members at the end of the period is also possible.
Mars retrograde 2022 summary

Be prepared to use Your “fiery” tongue when needed and “cut it off” when You assess the situation as not ripe for intense expression.
Our words will hurt and sting, make sure You are using them to fight for something worth fighting for. Not just only Your own blind ambition and selfish desires.
Putting in Your own personal efforts, taking action, and being the initiator are going to be keys for any Mars retrograde. And this one is no different!
Ian Altosaar
The Freedom Astrologer
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