A Gloomy Morning

I open My eyes
I crumble beneath the heaviness
I try to wake and be a normal person
To no avail
It doesn’t work
I sleep and hope I don’t have to do anything
That I have time to
Time to
Why? My mind ponders
Running in circles
There’s no reason and there is
I want to be filled
Yes, still
I see Myself collapsing under the bullshit
The mind is strong, it holds a grip on me
Today I’m a prisoner of Myself
My own thoughts consume me
They eat me alive
And now I finally breathe
All the drama melts away
I have arrived
The drapes have been lifted
The sun shines into My soul
I glow, roam life with a roar
A sweet inner roar
That echoes in the darkness


Ian Altosaar

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