Forged From The Depths

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The light fell across the sky
They were long gone
Rolling on their way home
Stepping on one another
Gently grazing each other
Laughing joyfully with a look into the vast distance that lay before them
It was done, now we can rest easy
Feel the soft breezy without even sneezing
Ridiculously amazed by the ease we faced
Numbing out seemingly vicious taste
Come on mate, this our fate!
You are not too late, to stage
A coming back to Yourself
Under the helm of Your own loving embrace
Casting aside differences of mind
We decide, to ride, abide by the inner knowing
Coming forth from our loving hearts
Shooting darts, towards our masks
These are difficult tasks
Let’s not stop until they yell avast!
Then one day our ship will touch upon the shore
We forged from the depths of our own hearts galore
There’s plenty more where that came from!
I rest my head on Your belly and fall into You
Thank You,

Ian Altosaar

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