I’m Open

I’m open
I’m opened up by You
Surrendered to Your power
It’s sweet and sour
Mostly joyous yielding to Your magnificence
It’s ease and tenderness
Like laying Your head down on a freshly washed pillow case
The wounds are seen now
They have air to breathe
They can stretch themselves
Push their toes into the moist grass in the morning
Feel the rawness of that experience
Feel the grass on Your feet
Jump into it
Soak it up
It’s all so new
Like homemade stew
The scent of it catches Your nostrils
So intense
Every hair in Your nose feels it
It touches every little pore in Your being
You can hear them cracking
Like a ship going through icy waters
But there’s less resistance
You let it happen
This is what surrender is about
Without a doubt, letting it rout
The route
Through the old You
After all that is done
You succumb to it
And Your dancing to the beat of a new drum
Come join me in this dance
For it only lasts
Until we’re unmatched
Once again

Tenderly surrendered,

Ian Altosaar

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