More About Freedom

Photo by Dallas Reedy on Unsplash

Once You take a moment to doubt
All the things said
Believed, thought
Then You have arrived at the doorstep of freedom

To go all the way through
You have to take a step back
Let go of everything
And arrive at nothing

At this stage
All You have ever known
Will serve You
But it won’t be Your master

Because You have arrived at a place
Known for a few
A brave place
Of letting go and thinking clearly

Thinking clearly just means
That You are aware enough to know why You want certain things
Or brave enough to admit
That You actually don’t know what You want

There is freedom in that
Because truth is freedom
It will liberate You more than You can ever imagine

If You let it
It has the capacity to give You what You want
Instead of what You don’t want
But the mind is tricky

Beware of this
It will forever be Your ally and friend
But If You learn to be in dialogue with it
Converse with it
Then You are half way there

Go and commune with it
Rest with it
Caress it with attention, care, and play
After all, that is done
True guidance will follow

Ian Altosaar

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