Me and my fiancé have a weekly time set aside for ourselves as a couple.
This is the time for us where anything goes.
Sometimes one of us is stuck in some area of our lives.
Often this gets brought to the table as well.
“I don’t know what to do here.”
“I’m unsure about this specific situation. What do I do?”
“Do I do this or that? Or something else entirely?”
This can also translate into the relationship sphere where we have to make decisions as a couple.
“Do we move here? Or there?”
“Do we sell this and buy that instead?”
“What kindergarten will our son go to? And will he learn Estonian, English, or even Spanish? Or even all of them?”
These are very common scenarios that need to get solved and understood deeply.
I have a very simple yet hard question to ask in most of these situations.
“What would You (or sometimes we) do when You could have anything You have ever wanted? When there’s no obstacles, neither physical or mental? What would You do or want then?”
This opens up the space immediately.
It is as if all the limitations we put on ourselves melt away and pure creation can flow once more.
This is where the truth of Yourself opens, and clarity emerges.
Not the things “we think we are supposed to want and get in life”.
The actual things we truly desire now seem possible and within our reach.
So, dear reader, I ask of You “What would You (or sometimes we) do when You could have anything You have ever wanted? When there’s no obstacles, neither physical or mental? What would You do or want then?”
Let the sweet taste of freedom pierce You right in Your gizzards.
Ian Altosaar
The Freedom Astrologer
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