
Image source: Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

In my years I’ve found that the human experience is sometimes a tricky one to maneuver
Always another layer of trauma
A deeper place to explore and learn from
The more I live, the more I find to live and love
The destination is always evolving
I can never quite catch it
And when I feel like I do
It again slips from my fingertips

And constant growth is rarely comfortable
Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable uncertainty
Is arguably one of the greatest challenges of mankind
That’s one of the reasons I see people suffering
And fall into that space myself from time to time
It takes a lot of practice
A deeper, more intimate knowing of pain and myself
From that space, the pain can be transformed into gold
Joy and the purity of the heart
Can then warmly glow out into the world

To all the Dragon riders out there

Ian Altosaar

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