Transit Saturn Opposite Natal Saturn: Life’s Harshest and Ultimate Challenges

Transit Saturn opposite natal Saturn is a significant astrological event that occurs when Saturn in the sky is exactly opposite to the position of Saturn in an individual’s birth chart. This event happens after every 28-29 years and is considered a significant milestone in an individual’s life.

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— The Freedom Astrologer

Saturn is known as the planet of discipline, responsibility, and hard work. When it is in opposition to its natal position, it can bring a sense of tension and pressure in an individual’s life. This transit is a time when an individual is forced to evaluate their life choices, decisions, and accomplishments. The transit can also bring a sense of dissatisfaction, self-doubt, and a feeling of being stuck.

What is Transit Saturn Opposite Natal Saturn?

Transit Saturn Opposite Natal Saturn

Transit Saturn opposite Natal Saturn is an astrological event that occurs when Saturn in transit is in the opposite position to the natal Saturn in an individual’s birth chart. This transit happens every 28-29 years (the first time it happens when the individual is around 14.5 years old) and lasts for about 1-6 months (depending on Saturn’s retrograde movement). It is a time of outward pressure, internal evaluation, and transformation, where an individual may feel a sense of restriction, and limitation.

During this transit, an individual may experience a sense of frustration and difficulty in achieving their goals. They may feel a sense of inadequacy, doubt, and fear in their abilities. This is because Saturn is the planet of discipline, responsibility, and structure, and it demands that an individual take a hard look at their life and make necessary changes.

The transit of Saturn opposite Natal Saturn is often associated with a mid-life crisis, where an individual may question their life choices, career, relationships, and personal values. It is a time of reckoning, where an individual may feel a sense of urgency to make significant changes in their life.

Some of the common themes associated with Transit Saturn Opposite Natal Saturn

Transit Saturn Opposite Natal Saturn
  • A sense of limitation and restriction
  • A feeling of inadequacy and self-doubt
  • A need for discipline and structure
  • A time of evaluation and introspection
  • A mid-life crisis
  • A time of transformation and growth
  • Outer circumstances put on duties and responsibilities that weigh heavy on the individual
  • Nothing seems to move – seems like it’s only delays
  • Problems with bones or teeth that take forever to fix
  • More grey hair everywhere
  • An internal feeling of being stuck

It is important to note that the effects of this transit may vary depending on an individual’s birth chart, the strength of Saturn in it, and how they have handled their life in the past.

How Does Transit Saturn Opposite Natal Saturn Affect You?

Transit Saturn Opposite Natal Saturn

Career and Work

Transit Saturn opposite Natal Saturn can bring challenges and obstacles in a person’s career and work life. This transit can create a sense of frustration and dissatisfaction with one’s current job or career path. It can also bring a period of hard work and increased responsibility, which can be overwhelming and stressful.

On the positive side, this transit can also bring opportunities for growth and advancement in one’s career. It can be a time to reassess one’s goals and ambitions and make changes that will lead to greater success and fulfillment in the long term.

A Pro-Astrologer reminder: Even if the outcome of the transit is positive, going through it will still feel heavy. And the individual needs to make structural changes to their working life.

Also, look at the Houses Saturn rules or represents in the natal chart. It will show what other areas this transit will influence. For bonus points, look at the House where Saturn is transiting to put the full picture together.


Transit Saturn Opposite Natal Saturn

Transit Saturn opposite Natal Saturn can also have a significant impact on a person’s relationships. This transit can create tension and conflict in existing relationships, particularly with family members or authority figures. It can also bring a sense of isolation and loneliness, as a person may feel disconnected from those around them.

This transit can also be a time of growth and transformation in relationships. It can bring a deeper understanding of oneself and one’s needs in relationships, leading to more fulfilling connections with others in the long term.

A Pro-Astrologer reminder: nothing with Saturn is really easy. It requires and wants our practical efforts. And in this case, this means working on Your relationships.


Transit Saturn opposite Natal Saturn can also affect a person’s physical and mental health. This transit can bring a sense of fatigue and exhaustion, as a person may feel overwhelmed by the demands of daily life. It can also create a sense of anxiety and depression, particularly if a person is struggling with unresolved issues from the past.

On the positive side, this transit can also be a time to focus on self-care and personal growth. It can be an opportunity to establish healthy habits and routines that will support physical and mental well-being in the long term.

A Pro-Astrologer reminder: Saturn will put order and structure into things. Whether people like it or not. It’s best to work with Saturn and build better routines in one’s life that are sustainable.

Coping Mechanisms

Transit Saturn Opposite Natal Saturn

Navigating the tumultuous waters of Transit Saturn Opposite Natal Saturn can be daunting. However, there are lifeboats available to help you stay afloat.

One such lifeboat is self-care. It’s essential to prioritize your well-being during this period. This could mean taking time for relaxation, pursuing a hobby, or simply ensuring you get enough sleep. In extreme cases, taking time off from everything!

Another helper is the support of loved ones. Reach out to them, share your feelings, and don’t hesitate to lean on them for support. If the storm seems too overwhelming, consider seeking the guidance of a professional, such as a therapist or an astrologer. They can provide you with tools and strategies to navigate this challenging period.

A Pro-Astrologer reminder: Use Saturn’s influence to slow down and reorganize whatever area it is influencing the most. Things are most likely not working anymore and real changes need to be made.

Personal Growth

Amidst the storm, there’s a silver lining. This transit, despite its challenges, can be a catalyst for profound self-discovery and transformation. It’s a time to reassess, to question, and ultimately, to grow. It’s a time to shed old skins and emerge anew, stronger and wiser.

A Pro-Astrologer reminder: Saturn is a great teacher of patience and mastery. Take Your time!


Transit Saturn Opposite Natal Saturn

Imagine a caterpillar entering a cocoon. It’s a challenging process, filled with darkness and uncertainty. But eventually, the caterpillar emerges as a beautiful butterfly. Similarly, individuals experiencing this transit may feel like they’re in a cocoon. But with time, patience, and perseverance, they too can emerge stronger and more beautiful than before.

Prepare for this cocoon to be especially slow.

Positive Aspects of Transit Saturn Opposite Natal Saturn

It’s not all stormy weather. This transit also brings with it a rainbow (although a completely grey one) of positive aspects.

It’s a period of maturity, wisdom, and deep introspection. It’s a time to build stronger foundations, to create structures that will support you in the long term. It’s a time to understand your life purpose more deeply and to align yourself with it.

This all will mean that the person will experience many changes during the period!

Astrological Remedies for Transit Saturn Opposite Natal Saturn

If the storm seems too intense, there are astrological remedies that can help calm the waters. These could include specific rituals, wearing certain gemstones, or chanting mantras. However, these should align with your personal belief system and it’s always recommended to consult with a professional astrologer for personalized advice.

Some of my favorites for this transit:

  • Carrying rocks in a black leather purse or patch.
    • This means a small purse with a couple of rocks.
    • It’s best to gather the rocks personally.
  • Practically sitting down, looking at one’s life, and reorganizing it.
  • Having or purchasing an antique in one’s living environment.
  • Image of a mountain in the night with snow on them.
    • This can be in the living environment or phone screensaver for example.

Astrology is a complex and nuanced field, and individual experiences can vary greatly based on the entirety of one’s chart. Therefore, it’s always beneficial to consult with a professional astrologer for personalized insights and guidance.

If You are ready to learn more, check out my deep dive into psychological and practical astrology here.

The Freedom Astrologer

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