The Deeper Knowing of Your Own Commitment

Image source: Photo by Juhasz Imre from Pexels

It is painful to experience rejection
The heart breaks and the mind wonders
Chasing rabbit holes
Where the rabbit cannot be found

It takes time to mend a broken heart and mind
It truly takes a while
Building new concepts and beliefs
Seeing the world anew

From a place of darkness, it all looks the same
A black or grey canvas for You to paint on
Only for You to discover
That the only color You have in Your brush
Is the same
With what do You color then?

This will have You pulling from even deeper sources
This requires even deeper commitments
Rising up from the loneliness again seems impossible
But the mind is capable of awakening from its sleep
This You have to remember
Even when the tides are seemingly turning against You
Those people who You really wanted to befriend are gone
Then the deeper knowing of Your own commitment cannot be prolonged any more
Because here we are
You and I
Exploring life and finding time
To look each other in the eye
And day by day
As we grow
We know
What’s inside of our soul
Knowing You
Has been given to me
By no chance or mere luck
It was I who choose to be born here
During this time
This mind
And body, fluid like the hive
I’ve made it
For tonight

Ian Altosaar

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