Image source: A painting from my collection called “Unleashing the Dragon from within.”
The never ending feel of darkness
Surrounds me with it’s pearlescent glow
It speaks to me
In tongues of silence
Mother nature
Through a thick lens
The paradox of this
Here’s where I gain the most clarity
Life in it’s purest form
Descends upon the world through nature
Mindful of every corner
Every blink of an eye
Darkness remembers all
Each and every fall
The times when You’ve got up
And those when You have not
Are reminded to You
In the sweet echoes of darkness
You could call it heartless
On the contrary
This is where the true power of Your heart
Is calling for You the loudest
To finally surrender to it’s mighty essence
Kiss it with Your devoted presence
After that moment
You will always have a friend
With powerful surrender
Ian Altosaar