Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Letting Go And Holding On.

Photo by Stanislava Stanchy on Unsplash In order to grow and move towards more meaning in Your life, a sacrifice has to be made. Because? To start living a new life You have to leave Your old life behind. With it, old ideas, old thoughts, old feelings. They need to go as well. This is … Read more

Talking Behind Someone Else’s Back

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash It comes from unreleased energy. Meaning somewhere, sometime You saw an injustice happen. Or You felt something was wrong and didn’t express that in a healthy way. And now, in order to release that tension, You let it out discussing and sometimes even saying mean things about the other person. There’s a … Read more

The Hypocrisy Of Owning The SUCCESSES Of Other People

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash In this modern age of spiritual teachers, consultants and people teaching each other online (and offline) more than ever before, I’ve noticed a very important and disturbing pattern. It’s been within myself and with the teachers, I’ve worked with. The pattern itself is as follows: The teacher or consultant … Read more


Photo by redcharlie on Unsplash One of the paths to freedom in this reality or human society is giving up trying to be somebody. Or to even be more exact, trying to be someone or something You are actually not. Tremendous weight is put on our shoulders from the minute we are born. Be this, do that, learn … Read more

The Negative Side of the Sign of Scorpio. Or at Least One of Them.

Photo by Kelsey Dody on Unsplash There are many positive sides and manifestations of the Scorpio energy. Like emotional power, transformation, deep research, deep seeing, intimacy, emotional awareness, sensitivity to surroundings, etc. In this piece, I’m going to focus on one of the more negative sides of Scorpio in order to shed light on it and help people … Read more