Fundamental Level

Image source: Photo by Ghost Presenter from Pexels On a fundamental level, how this reality is setup is that there is no final answer. There is only the next step in the equation. So if I talk about being with ourselves and our perceived negative emotions, this is not the end all be all. This … Read more

The Origin Of Every Judgement

Image source: The last six years of my life have been at the same time very humbling and empowering. Many things have happened, new ways of being with myself and new ways of understanding this reality we call our home. An emotional journey through the self and consciousness. A wild ride to say the … Read more

A Simple Revolution

Image source: By now a lot of people have realized that we hold the power. Meaning everything we put our energy into is created in the real world. And by energy I mean, thought, money, action etc. Also we have understood that many people who are in places of power use it poorly. How … Read more

Slaves To The Energies That Surround Us

Image source: Full disclosure! The title of this piece is meant to draw Your attention to it. Some people have popularized the term “click-bait”, this applies here as well. During my recent exploration into the field of astrology, it has become clear to me how much we as humans are influenced by the energies … Read more

Holding On and Letting Go

Image source: Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger from Pexels The thing about nature is that it has a mind of it’s own. It moves with a sense of purpose unlike any other. Strong willed, yet at the same time soft and beautiful. Nothing can stop it, however much we want to. One thing that is … Read more

Abundance of Wisdom

Image source: I have a confession to make. I like to speak and write about a variety of topics. Cryptocurrencies, sex, business development, spirituality, astrology etc. In general, this experience we call life. The thing is, people don’t really like to listen to me. So I’m really glad I have the openness of the internet … Read more

Consciousness of Mankind

Image source: Photo by kailash kumar from Pexels Where does selfishness come from? Is it just the result of extremes? And a certain kind of healthy balance is necessary? It is actually always a prerequisite for healthy growth and a stable society Because it is in the consciousness of man where the worlds we … Read more


Image source: The very definition of being useful, means something is being used. Every moment can be used as means to an end or it can be a delight, bringing fullness and richness to Your very being. Life can be that way, if we remember to live it closely. Intimately watching our every pore, … Read more


Image source: We are meant to go in the direction of our wounds on occasion. This will open up more doors and shine light on to them. The results might be so and so, no one exactly knows. The thing to keep in mind here is to understand balance. Sometimes the pain gets so … Read more

Attention and Wanting to be Seen

Image source: I have a confession to make. I want attention. A huge part of that desire or want is the simple equation attention = money. Or at least that’s how to perceive it. If You have other people’s attention it’s easier to make money. Wanting attention itself is not a bad thing. It is … Read more