Seemingly Shit

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash If Your life seems like shit to You, then pay attention to the word “seems”. Because it’s in Your perception of things where Your life looks like shit. This just means You thought things should be different. Or in other words, You wanted to be somewhere else or someone else. The pain … Read more

The Hypocrisy Of Owning The SUCCESSES Of Other People

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash In this modern age of spiritual teachers, consultants and people teaching each other online (and offline) more than ever before, I’ve noticed a very important and disturbing pattern. It’s been within myself and with the teachers, I’ve worked with. The pattern itself is as follows: The teacher or consultant … Read more

Group Consciousness

Group consciousness, in essence, a dangerous thing. If the leaders of this group use this in their own self-interests. Also when people lose their own will and mind, they actually are giving them away. I’ve noticed this happening with myself even reading a blog post written by a charismatic writer. I’ve literally lost myself into … Read more


I’ve felt powerless a lot in my life. With women, money, success, career, our society at large. Insert almost anything here and it’s probably true. This feeling of powerlessness has led me to discover things that make me feel more powerful. Along those travels I’ve found many things, I’ve understood some things about power that … Read more

An Answer So Simple

I still find deep anger in my consciousness When things don’t go my way Some might call this natural Others Me being an angry person Now which is better I do not know But I do know one thing Anger and frustration is what is actually true for me At this moment So I do … Read more

The Man

For a while, I’ve been feeling like I’m not the man I’m supposed to be. And not by society’s standards, by my own understanding. I’ve been living a lie to some extent. The clothes that I wear make no sense anymore. The work I do feels unfulfilling. The way I show up in my relationships … Read more