Simple ways for the Zodiac signs to create more purpose and meaning in their lives – Taurus

Struggling to find purpose and meaning in life? Think it’s something unattainable and big You can only find on a mountaintop in Tibet? Finding purpose and meaning is actually integrating simple things into Your day that create that deeper meaning for You specifically. Luckily we have astrology and we don’t have to guess what these … Read more

Running race through the eyes of Aries and Virgo…

While Virgos are still figuring out how to best tie their shoelaces for the race (and going through the manual “How to run races?”), Aries has already finished and won. But Virgo still finishes the race, with extremely well tied shoelaces, perfect shoelaces, and perfect tempo, perfect posture, not sweating or anything. While Aries is … Read more

Simple ways for the Zodiac signs to create more purpose and meaning in their lives – Aries

Struggling to find purpose and meaning in life? Think it’s something unattainable and big You can only find on a mountaintop in Tibet? Finding purpose and meaning is actually integrating simple things into Your day that create that deeper meaning for You specifically. Luckily we have astrology and we don’t have to guess what these … Read more

Material Possessions and Defining Yourself Through Them – Scorpio stellium (with Venus)

A person came to me scared about their material things/possessions. It had gotten so bad that they didn’t want to have people over because they were afraid that they will abuse their apartment and valuables. And they will get broken = lose it’s value. They were also yelling and screaming at their spouse because whenever … Read more

Weekly Astrological and Intuitive overview – February 7-13, 2022

My weekly astrological and intuitive reviews are back. I’m going to do more of these and cover the energetic influences of the ongoing week. Mars and Uranus trine. Moon through the signs, aspects, and much more! Tune in weekly! Ian Altosaar Link to purchase a webinar with me: Get my book here : For … Read more

Saturn opposition or square Mercury and Sun - Fixed signs example

I’m back from the dead… Well kind of, I just experienced some difficult transits. Luckily, I still live and can tell the tale of some of them. Here are Saturn opposite Sun, Saturn opposite Mercury, with a little Uranus square as well. Enjoy my suffering! Ian Altosaar Link to purchase a webinar with me: … Read more

Your Emptiness is Your Business

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy from Pexels The more needy You are, the more You can’t wait to empty Yourself into her They further she pulls from You Some might “just do it” to get it over with To empty Your sack, just to keep You from leaving Because they have abandonment issues But after it’s … Read more

Really into conspiracy theories? You might have some daddy issues (Pluto hard aspects)

In this video, I share a psychological pattern that I’ve observed with people who are “really into conspiracy theories”. This pattern was pointed out to me years ago, by one of my teachers Eivind Skjellum. He is the founder of Reclaim Your Inner Throne (men’s work). After I was made aware of this deeper pattern … Read more

“No good men/women out there!” — How Your lack mentality from childhood is creating Your reality

Wanted to record this video for a while now. Finally had the chance, even had to stop the car because the inspiration hit me hard. I see this a lot with men and women, complaining about the opposite sex. When very often it’s actually the judgments and experiences from childhood that are keeping (and have … Read more