In Communion With Spirit

Image source: Although I’m a big advocate and believe communing with the spiritual realm is essential part of the human experience, Spirit does not have all the answers. Why is that? Because it is all a matter of potentials. Potential for world war or spiritual/intellectual/technological utopia. Or something in between. This is where humans … Read more

It’s not the way that I want it. It’s just the way that I need it. Day after day.

Image source: My private collection. The view outside when I woke up today. As I woke up today these words with a certain melody were going through my head “It’s not the way that I want it. It’s just the way that I need it. Day after day.” I couldn’t remember exactly whose song it … Read more

Nobody Cares About You

Image source: My private collection. Me doing funny faces and drinking fancy lemonade at a hipster restaurant in Pärnu, Estonia. The restaurant itself is called Supelsaksad. I don’t have any connection to the restaurant other than I loved our visit there and the food was absolutely delicious. You should go and visit them if You … Read more

A Longer Conversation

Image source: My private collection. Estonia, Pärnumaa, Jaaguranna lillelaager. Creation can come into fruition in moments Showing You the life You desperately wanted It’s close to a miracle Because it can show You the love You have been withholding Withholding love starves a man and his surroundings Allowing it to flow freely Brings abundance to … Read more

A Field Day

Image source: My private collection. Estonia, Lääne-Virumaa, Obja village. I have it my And she has it her way That is how we spend the day Now at night Laying in bed we say Things unsaid during the day Hey babe I express affection In the moment I take Her hand in What seems like … Read more

Between the Two

Image source: My private collection. Estonia, Lääne-Virumaa, Obja village. You see Young warrior Death and life are similar in a way All You can do is surrender to them both There is no other way Truths are written between the two You are complete now And so were those who came before You Provided they … Read more