Are You living someone else’s life? – Have You had enough? Example through Libras

Have this constant nagging feeling that You are not supposed to be doing what You are doing? High probability that You are scared to lose other people’s love and that fear is keeping You stuck in life. I share some astrological indicators, as well as emotional clues that can help You make better decisions for … Read more

Hiding Your Gifts For Survival – Are You Who You Truly Want to Be? Natal chart example

Feeling like You live someone else’s life? Something seems to be wrong but can’t really put Your finger on it? Chances are You took on someone else’s identity during early childhood and in order to survive, decided to conform. How can You come out of this and how can astrology help? I share my insights … Read more

South node in the 11th house = Your ideas getting stuck in the corporate machine

Ideas getting stuck in the corporate machine? People don’t seem to listen to You in bigger groups? Friends seem to disappear when You need them the most? Look no further! You must have South node in the 11th house in Your natal chart! How to live with this configuration on the material plane, and what … Read more

Weekly Astrological and Intuitive overview – February 14-20, 2022

The week begins with the month long dance of Venus and Mars, the feminine and masculine inside of us (the passive but understanding, the ambitious but rash). The week, as well as the month ahead, are definitely a balancing act between the two. During the middle of the week, we will experience the Full Moon … Read more

Are You scared of people eating Your food? – Venus, Moon, Pluto in Scorpio

Get triggered every time someone eats “the thing You really wanted to eat”? Need to “control the fridge”? Eat fast and rapidly because “You are afraid someone else will come and eat it”? You might be re-experiencing childhood trauma again and again. In this deeper video, I dissect a real-life story of a person I … Read more

Simple ways for the Zodiac signs to create more purpose and meaning in their lives – Gemini

Struggling to find purpose and meaning in life? Think it’s something unattainable and big You can only find on a mountaintop in Tibet? Finding purpose and meaning is actually integrating simple things into Your day that create that deeper meaning for You specifically. Luckily we have astrology and we don’t have to guess what these … Read more


Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash Having trouble sleeping? No matter what You do, can’t fall asleep? Woken up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back to sleep? Each sign has their own specific ways of sleeping, as well as challenges they face during sleep time. I’m creating a product specifically designed … Read more

Simple ways for the Zodiac signs to create more purpose and meaning in their lives – Taurus

Struggling to find purpose and meaning in life? Think it’s something unattainable and big You can only find on a mountaintop in Tibet? Finding purpose and meaning is actually integrating simple things into Your day that create that deeper meaning for You specifically. Luckily we have astrology and we don’t have to guess what these … Read more

Running race through the eyes of Aries and Virgo…

While Virgos are still figuring out how to best tie their shoelaces for the race (and going through the manual “How to run races?”), Aries has already finished and won. But Virgo still finishes the race, with extremely well tied shoelaces, perfect shoelaces, and perfect tempo, perfect posture, not sweating or anything. While Aries is … Read more

Simple ways for the Zodiac signs to create more purpose and meaning in their lives – Aries

Struggling to find purpose and meaning in life? Think it’s something unattainable and big You can only find on a mountaintop in Tibet? Finding purpose and meaning is actually integrating simple things into Your day that create that deeper meaning for You specifically. Luckily we have astrology and we don’t have to guess what these … Read more