Simple Things – A Guide to Appreciating The Annoying Things in Life

Image source: Simple things I bitch about but would be sad if they weren’t in my life. A guide for appreciating the so called annoying things in life. My partners breath in the morning before brushing teeth – My partner who I love dearly would be gone from my life if the breath wasn’t … Read more

Abundance of Experience and Creation

Image source: If I have the knowing that I have everything at my disposal at all times, maybe in other realms, then there is only abundance. Fear of lack: The mind races “Oh my God, if I don’t do this, then I wont have this, then they will think that I’m this, then I … Read more

Fears, Meditation and Dying

Image source: Recently I’ve been obsessed with death, dying of old parts of myself. There is a very simple reason for this. Dying of those parts, fears that have lived inside of me for so long has provided me with the freedom I’ve longed for such an extended period of time. In a way … Read more


Image source: My private collection. Sunrise near Tallinn, Estonia. In times of trouble and darkness turning into light it seems quite dense sometimes. I believe we are at this very point in our human experience. We can see the light and the potential of what is there but the darkness has to be dealt with … Read more

In Communion With Spirit

Image source: Although I’m a big advocate and believe communing with the spiritual realm is essential part of the human experience, Spirit does not have all the answers. Why is that? Because it is all a matter of potentials. Potential for world war or spiritual/intellectual/technological utopia. Or something in between. This is where humans … Read more

It’s not the way that I want it. It’s just the way that I need it. Day after day.

Image source: My private collection. The view outside when I woke up today. As I woke up today these words with a certain melody were going through my head “It’s not the way that I want it. It’s just the way that I need it. Day after day.” I couldn’t remember exactly whose song it … Read more

On Death

Image source: My private collection. Tallinn, Estonia. If You continue to look at death straight in it’s face You will break regardless If You happen to experience the bright side of life on some days In between this constant dying There might be periods of lighter existence But don’t be fooled, death will catch You … Read more

Knowing Nothing and Everything

Image source: I’ve been thinking lately… What if I forgot all the spiritual and not spiritual wisdom I’ve accumulated over the years, what would happen? How would I make my decisions then? How would I approach situations then? The problem with knowledge and wisdom gotten from the outside is that it’s actually someone else’s … Read more

A Deeper Commitment

Image source: My private collection. Estonia, Tallinn. One of the strongest commitments to make Is the one we make to oneself This is the only true commitment we can actually make during this lifetime After making these commitments You really have to look at Yourself Because this type of powerful energy sent into consciousness has … Read more